Featured image of post Needle galaxy (NGC 4565) - 24-04-2024

Needle galaxy (NGC 4565) - 24-04-2024

Needle galaxy (NGC 4565) picture

Needle galaxy (NGC 4565)


The Needle Galaxy (NGC 4565) is an edge-on spiral galaxy about 30 to 50 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. It is known as the Needle Galaxy for its narrow profile. It is one of the brightest galaxies in the Coma I Group, and one of the most famous edge-on galaxies.

Photo details

📷 Camera: Nikon D7100

🔭 Scope: Paralux 114/900

🎯 Guiding: ZWO ASI 120mm mini monochrome + SVBONY SV106 guidescope

⚙️ Mount: Celestrong cg-5 goto

⏱ Exposure: 180s x 30

🌌 ISO: 800

🌇 Bortle: 7

🖥 Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Siril


I didn’t manage to get much of a good image, I like the old retro look it got, looking it was taken in the 80s. I learned how to fix the walking noise using dithering and I collimated my telescope.

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Jun 05, 2024 00:20 UTC
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