Messier 104 (M104), also known as the Sombrero Galaxy, is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo. It lies at an approximate distance of 29 million light years from Earth. The galaxy has an apparent magnitude of 8.0 and occupies an area of 8.7 by 3.5 arc minutes of apparent sky, which corresponds to a linear diameter of about 50,000 light years. The Sombrero Galaxy is one of the most famous galaxies in the sky and is best known for its large central bulge and the dust lane that crosses the galaxy’s disk.
Photo details
📷 Camera: Nikon D7100
🔭 Scope: Paralux 114/900
🎯 Guiding: ZWO ASI 120mm mini monochrome + SVBONY SV106 guidescope
⚙️ Mount: Celestrong cg-5 goto
⏱ Exposure: 25s x 168
🌌 ISO: 4000
🌇 Bortle: 7
🖥 Processing: Siril
Very happy with this image, I managed to get a great polar alignement and could go up to 25s exposures. The image is very clean and I managed to get a lot of details in the dust lane. The 4000 iso allowed me to get less noise than the previous images.