m81 and m82 are two galaxies located in the constellation Ursa Major. M81 is a spiral galaxy about 11 million light-years away from Earth, while M82 is an irregular galaxy about 11.4 million light-years away. Both galaxies are part of the M81 Group, a group of galaxies that includes several other galaxies. M81 is also known as Bode’s Galaxy, while M82 is known as the Cigar Galaxy.
Photo details
📷 Camera: ZWO ASI 585mc pro
🔭 Scope: Quattro 150p
🎯 Guiding: ZWO ASI 120mm mini monochrome + SVBONY SV106 guidescope
⚙️ Mount: Celestrong cg-5 goto
🎨 Filter: UV/IR Cut filter
⏱ Exposure: 20s x 1850
🌌 ISO: 255
🌇 Bortle: 7
🖥 Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Siril, Starnet ++, Astrosharper, Photoshop