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Firework galaxy first try - 12-09-2024

Firework galaxy (NGC 6946) picture



The firework galaxy (NGC 6946) is a face-on intermediate spiral galaxy with a small bright nucleus, with open spiral arms in the constellation Cepheus. It is about 22.5 million light-years away, making it a member of the Local Group of galaxies. It was discovered by William Herschel on September 9, 1798. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9.6, therefore it is visible with binoculars.

It is called the firework galaxy because it has had ten supernovae observed in it since 1917, making it one of the most prolific in this respect. The most recent supernova was SN 2017eaw.

Here is a side to side comparison of the two pictures:

3h 30 7h 30

And here is another process made by a friend of mine @fedezan:


He managed to get way more data and a better processing than me, I love the purple color he got on the galaxy. I don’t understand why the galaxy is still blurry, it might be a matter of integration time, maybe the more data I will get the less blurry it will look but I have no idea yet.

Photo details

📷 Camera: ZWO ASI 585mc pro

🔭 Scope: Quattro 150p

🎯 Guiding: ZWO ASI 120mm mini monochrome + SVBONY SV106 guidescope

⚙️ Mount: Celestrong cg-5 goto

🎨 Filter: UV / IR cut filter

⏱ Exposure: 60s x 180 + 30s x 550

🌌 ISO: 252

🌇 Bortle: 7

🖥 Processing: DeepSkyStacker, Siril, Starnet ++

Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Sep 12, 2024 00:20 UTC
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